How to call Cambodia

855 + (city code) + Phone Number

Cambodia Dialing Code: 855

Calling From:

Calling To:

Get the best rates to call Cambodia

Mustang Deal

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Mobile & Landline

582 ¢/min
170 valid for 30 days
Price: $ 990

Don't have a smartphone?

Shop for regular online phone cards.


For more detailed information on how to call Cambodia,
choose your preferred Nobel calling product below

NobelApp Credit,
Mustang & Elephant Deals

Works with smartphones


Prepaid Phone Card

Works with all phones & Local Access Numbers


Prepaid Phone Card (Pinless)

Works with all phones & Local Access Numbers


Use NobelApp to call anywhere in the world

Open the app on your device and select "NobelApp"
Credit & Deals" as preferred calling product from the drop
down menu at the center of the home screen.

Enter the desired phone number in the correct international format

011 + 855 + (city code) + Phone Number
City Dialing Codes
Svay Rieng 44
Stung Treng 74
Kampong Speu 25
Pursat 52
Kampong Thom 62
Koh Kong 35
Takeo 32
Banteay Meanchey 54
Kratie 72
Pailin 55
Sihanouk Ville 34
Siem Reap 63
Kandal 24
Preah Vihear 64
Kampong Chhnang 26

Why choose NobelCom

NobelCom is a leading online international phone cards provider founded in 1998. We offer cheap and reliable calling solutions to any country in the world, as well as a dedicated iPhone and Android smartphone app - NobelApp, 24/7 customer support and plenty of great features to help you save on your international calls.

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