Ecuador Phone Cards

Ecuador calling cards from United States

Calling from United States to Ecuador
940 ¢/min

rate based on local access

156 min

Rounding: 4 minutes Maintenance Fee: 99¢ /Week Connection Fee: None

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1290 ¢/min

rate based on local access

116 min

Rounding: 1 minute Maintenance Fee: 49¢ /Month Connection Fee: None

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1540 ¢/min

rate based on local access

97 min

Rounding: 1 second Maintenance Fee: None Connection Fee: None

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NobelApp Credit landline

Valid for183 days 1390 ¢/min

Mustang & Elephant Deal mobile & landline

75 minutes 1987 ¢/min 180 minutes 1717 ¢/min

Why use NobelCom?

Calls are made easy with NobelApp

You can use your phone card to Ecuador to make calls with NobelApp via WiFi/3G & Access Numbers. NobelApp works on iOS and Android. Alternatively choose NobelApp Credit and take full control of your expenses with call history, recharge any cell phones worldwide and send international text messages at competitive rates. Check our rates to Ecuador.

Each purchase is rewarded with Nobel Points

We reward each and every one of our customers for their loyalty. That's why we're offering loads of Nobel Points for every recharge (or new purchase) and also for recommending our Ecuador phone cards to your friends.

Promotions, benefits and ongoing support

As soon as you sign up with NobelCom, you automatically become part of our Nobel Care program; you will be rewarded for being a loyal customer and we'll do our best to ensure you get all the support you need. 24/7 all year-round.

What customers say

How do I buy the Ecuador phone card?

Get your NobelCom prepaid phone card in 3 simple steps:

How do I use my calling card to Ecuador?

From any phone

Dial the access number; enter your PIN; enter the destination number (country code included).

View Local Access Numbers

From your smartphone

Download and install NobelApp for iOS and Android; follow the one-time setup wizard and then start calling.

Get NobelApp

From your PC

Download and install on Windows PC, login using your NobelCom user/pass and start making calls.

Download NobelCom PC-2-Phone
Whatever option you choose, you will always get the same low rates for your calls!

Learn more about Ecuador

How to call Ecuador
Currency: United States Dollar (USD)
Time Zone: UTC -06:00 (GALT) - Galápagos Province
UTC -05:00 (Ecuador Time) - main territory of Ecuador
Spoken Language: Spanish, Quechua, Amerindian
Religions: Roman Catholic
Ethnic groups: Mestizo, Amerindian, Spanish, Afroecuadorian, Montubio,
Top 3 cities by population: Guayaguil, Quito, Cuenca
National Holidays

January 1 - New Year's Day
Date Varies - Easter
May 1 - International Workers' Day
May 24 - The Battle of Pichinca
July 24 - The Birthday of Simon Bolivar
August 10 - Declaration of Independence of Quito
October 9 - Independence of Guayaquil
October 31 - Dia de La Bandera
November 2 - All Souls' Day
November 3 - Independence of Cuenca
December 6 - Foundation of Quito
December 25 - Christmas Day
December 31 - New Year's Eve
Natural Landmarks

Cerro de Arcos
Pastaza Canyon
Rumichaca natural bridge
Cotopaxi volcano
Machay Falls
Manta de la Novia Falls
Pailón del Diablo
San Rafael Falls
Páramo El Ángel
Valle de los Frailejones, Llanganates
Yasuni Forest
Cueva de los Tayos
Puyango Petrified Forest
Volcan Sierra Negra
Puerto Egas
Volcan Wolf
Highlands Lava Tubes
Volcan Alcedo
Cuicocha Lake
Cotopaxi National Park
Cajas National Park
Isla de la Plata
What to see

Church and Convent of St. Francis
Church of the Society of Jesus
La Capilla del Hombre
El Panecillo
Malecón 2000
Basílica del Voto Nacional
New Cathedral of Cuenca
Cathedral of Quito
Guayaquil Metropolitan Cathedral
Old Cathedral of Cuenca
Museo Antropologico y de Arte Contemporaneo
Vulqano Park
Parque El Ejido
Santay Island

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